Water Harvesting

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1. Reduce your impact on the oceans by using a _________ water bottle

2. Water bottles release _________ chemicals into the ocean

3. Turn the _________ on only when required.

4. Fix _________ taps and toilet cisterns immediately.

5. When showering, use a _________ to collect all the cold water until the water is heated.

6. When it becomes hotter during the day the water will _________ quicker

7. Save water while washing _________

8. Install water saving showerheads or flow _________.

9. Take your car to a car wash that _________ the water used to wash your car.

10. Bathe your dog outside so that you are watering the _________ at the same time

11. Get a notebook and record your electricity and water _________ readings in the mornings and evenings.