Tree Planting Answers

1) September is National(..........) month. (Arbour)

2) Plants & Trees breath in Carbon Dioxide and breath out (......) which we breath in. (Oxygen)

3) Spekboom are easy to plant because they grow by(.........) (Slips)

4) A plant based or(........) diet is healthy for us and the environment as well. (Satwik)

5) Plants and Trees have emotions and feelings which can change the subtle environment in a positive way leading to Ahimsa otherwise known as (.....). (Non Violence)

6) The Air Pollution ‘causes various (.......) illnesses. (Respiratory)

7) Organic waste from the food we eat can be used as (.......) to nurture and nourish our plants and trees. (Compost)

8) (......) is the process where we cause environmental damage by the mass destruction of Nature by cutting down trees for paper, wood and other products. (Deforestation)

9) (.......) on our paper usage can save trees from being cut down. (COD)

10) What the (......) Breath out, we breath In. (Trees)

11) We are now in the season of (......). (Spring)

12) Spring is a great time to start (.....). (Planting)

13) Bees, Butterflies & Birds engage in (.......) of trees and flowers during this time. (Pollination)

14) Pollination helps to increase (........). (Biodiversity)

15) Worms and Insects in the soil help to break down (......) matter into compost so that plants and trees and consume the nutrients more easily. (Organic).